Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Our Second Wedding Anniversary

My mom always wanted to see the our snaps on the web. But I must say the technology is still not very simple for someone of the age of our mothers and fathers or grandparents . Ofcourse they can get along when they learn it over a period of time. Such was the case when i asked my mom to see the snaps by logging into a Photo uploading website or sending her a mail. This is still too difficult for a casual user like my mom, untill i discovered this Picasa feature of embedding the whole album into a simple embedded slide show. Now I just refer her a single URL of this blog and "boom" she can just see on the page itself.This is also one of the reason i am shifting my blogs here, since it gives me such features.

Yes the above snaps are taken on our 2nd Wedding anniversary (26th June) for which we decided ato spend some time in the cruise in Tokyo Bay from a compnay called "Symphony". It was really a "titanic" effect and it was a pleaseant surprise to discover that in the last 30 min a live piono show was there. Apart from all other things that was the best part in the end.


Anonymous said...


Prem, said...

Hi akhil, Just checked I can talk to you here..