Thursday, April 20, 2017

Understanding Mind Functions and Senses

It is so obvious that our body is a marvel like a modern computer with various components designed for function inside us which will help us to navigate life in a better way. Also the study of our Mind in its true sense, will help us to develop efficient IoT ecosystems, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics or Machine Learning, and other Cognitive Solutions

Normally the explanations we have received till now are either too "Biological" or too "Abstract" in spiritual terms that we cannot relate it to the reality we live in. Following is the closest explanation of Mind, Body, Intellect and the invisible GREATER SELF. There are different interpretation of the GREATER SELF depending on what path a human being follow in their lives in terms of work, what environment and religion they have been brought up or what parental belief has been passed on to them.

Figure below, tries to summarize the point which can be taken as universal knowledge.
Mapped these internals of Mind`s 4 Components, the 5 inputs and 5 outputs.

Broadly, the process is as below :
1) Our physical body has 5 Sensors (IMPORTERS) which accumulate information from the real world. These are Ears, Skin, Eyes, Tounge & Nose

2) Process it using what we know as Mind or Mann in normal language. Which actually has 4 distinct component with specific capabilities and goals

3) As a result of Processing in point 2, the result takes the form of action in external world using the 5 Organs of Actions (EXPORTERS). These are Tongue (Speech), Hands, Feet, Genital And Anus.

4) Normally data using the sensors (IMPORTER) enters into your processing unit.
- This is received by "Manas" which is responsible for receiving the signal. Also it generates thoughts as a result of receiving that signal. "Manas" then passes it to "Chitta", which is kind of "Lake of information" or storage of our past impressions.
- Chitta be viewed as Hard Disk/RAM/Memory which has all the past information. The "Chitta", based on your unique past impressions will "give an inclination to your thoughts". This has all your good and bad memories, good and bad experiences, emotions etc. Lot of people directly operate from Chitta which is not correct.
- The thought will move to "Buddhi" which actually is responsible for "Knowing, Deciding", Judging & discrimination". After making the decision or even before it, it might reach to "Ahamkara),
- Ahamkara (The "I-maker" Ego), which will validate/interfere in what Buddhi decided. Lot of people relate themselves to this as "I", which is wrong. Buddhi should be the decision maker in this system which is overtaken by Manas, Chitta or Aham.

5) These 4 components are like a Spoke of a wheel with a firm central part which is a "Real Self" or "Real I", not moving and just "Observing" and not interfering. This "Real I" is like a common energy field flowing all around the universe just like electricity flowing around us. You cannot see it but you can sense it when it lights up a bulb. You cannot see the "Real I", but that is kind of a power which makes all your 10 senses working. Self Realization is knowing yourself as "Electricity" and not as a physical body (gross matter) and mind (the processor).

6) It is said the all the praying, spiritual practices are focused on sharpening your "Buddhi". Some spiritual leaders identify this "Mind" as just a "Mirror", what they see, is reflected, in an automated way. The whole Yoga activities are pointed towards "Polishing this mirror" i.e empowering Buddhi to make right decisions and help in knowing the "Real I" which is apart from this system. Also it is said that we need to contemplate on this "KNOWLEDGE" of greater SELF/ELECTRICITY during our meditation.

This is the real nature of Mind and not as we call it as "mind" or "I".
This is such a paradigm changing view of the Body and Mind. This should be the first step when getting in the process of defining Body, Mind and Soul( which is nothing but a Pure Energy).

It is amazing the ancient Vedic Texts offer such a great insights for someone who is interested in this journey inwards.

The "Enlightenment" journey starts with KNOWING of this knowledge, then CONTEMPLATING in this thought, IMBIBING it completely, & finally EXPERIENCE-ing it.

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