Thursday, June 22, 2017

Sparks of blissful-ness

Life's most blissful moments are those when we forget ourselves and get completely immersed into 'something''.

i.e when we are not thinking about "I", the "Ego - both good ego or bad ego", when we are in a condition of selflessness, when you are absorbed in something other than 'you' , outside you, doing for someone outside you. It can be for or with a person, doing an activity, perusing a goal or anything which captures all our attention to its fullest energy, without us realizing the highest level of engagement.

I am sure all of us had such blissful moments.
It's not about that 'something' outside, it's about 'selflessness'. 'Forgetful-ness of 'self'

Think ! Think about those sparks.
The blissful-ones.

What Humans did with Language

70,000 years ago, accidental genetic mutations changed the inner wirings of the brains of the humans separating from animals and taking us towards "Cognitive Revolution".

Then we slowly developed Language. Language was not new since animals could also communicate in subtle voices. But the way humans used it is bit different and mastered communicating complex things.

Language was basically used for
1) Sending the danger and food opportunities
2) Gossiping since humans are primarily a social animals. Social cooperation is our key for survival and reproduction. Knowing danger and food was not enough, it was important to know who hates whom, who loves whom, who is honest and who is cheat was equally important.
3) Ability to transmit information about things that dies not exist or without even seeing, touching and smell. Legends, myths, gods n religions are result of these.

- Sapiens, A brief history of Mankind

Rumi' world view

800 years ago, Rumi, the beloved mystic poet(Year 1203-1273) had an interesting world view. This was the time when lot of Islamist Sultanate were being constantly invaded by Mongol rulers. In one of his famous poems he expresses world as "The gathering of lover" in following poem:

This is a gathering of Lovers.
In this gathering
there is no high, no low,
no smart, no ignorant,
no special assembly,
no grand discourse,
no proper schooling required.
There is no master,
no disciple.
This gathering is more like a drunken party,
full of tricksters, fools,
mad men and mad women.
This is a gathering of Lovers.

Satisfaction and contentment

"You should never be satisfied,
but you should always be content"

Sounds paradoxical ?

If you are satisfied, there will be no motivation to do anything more, you will feel crippled.
If a businessman is satisfied, he will not be able to do business longer, if a sportsman is satisfied, he will never excel, if a student gets satisfied, he will never get the marks he is targeting.

If at this moment, if you are short of your goal, take a note of that gap and try better, but be content with the efforts so far. Find contentment in efforts you have already done.

Though you might have not reached the goal but do check that you are also not where you started either. Appreciate that distance you have already covered.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Philosophical meaning behind Krishna's name as "Madhusudhan" one who has killed the Madhu or Honey :

Madhu or Honey is an end result of endeavor of endless number of bees, all through days, nights and months, the end product is Madhu. It is not one individual. Thousands of bees coming out and going in same Beehive. Each bee visiting each flower and in each flower a wee-bit of honey in the bag they have. When the bag is full, the bee comes back and stores honey in the beehive and slowly the honeycomb is full. Hence honey is end result of continuous efforts.

From the honeycomb of your mind and intellect, millions of bees are constantly going out visiting every flower, the sense objects and in their contact they gain a wee-bit of honey which is "Karma phalla" I.e result of that amount of effort, giving birth to either negative or positive tendencies in you. All these tendencies are stored away in Tendencies you develop as a beehive. Constantly thousands of thoughts are moving out, thousands of it turn back after contact with outside world. This contact of the individual in the world outside is called "Karma". The Karma phalla in total is stored away beehive of tendencies.

Sometimes the beehive of tendencies turn into greater negative pattern or obscures the right vision of life. Then such a demon in your personality obstructs your path in moving ahead and brings all kind of obstacles.

Krishna is symbolically called MadhuSudhana who can kill this demon which means once you wake up to "that plane of consciousness", all demon like tendencies are destroyed. That is when you know that you are beyond a mere body & mind and REAL you is a part of a bigger SELF, then suddenly this demon is destroyed.