Saturday, December 13, 2008

Origin of Civilization in the world right from BigBang !

Following pics are taken from from a website called

Astronomical Scale !

Big Bang !

Earliest Civilizations !
Egyptian, Indian, greek and Chinese Civilizations

Civilizations on TimeLine !

Friday, December 12, 2008

A peep into history of India !

I never used to love subject of History till I was in my school times may be because History exams were hard and contained of very long answers. And when i entered college that subject was also not there any more since i chose to take a different field all together. But I remember when I was gaining a better understanding of language and with the start of introspection like all others I also started thinking about the origin of the things and that quite again connected me with this subject. So I guess when you need the info and peep into history it becomes very interesting subject.

Recently I started searching about history of India. Following were some good info/videos i came across which gave some useful info to start with. Not the full account yet, but good place to start with.

Brief Past of India - 1

Brief Past of India - 2

History of World Religion in less than 2 minutes

Link to the 1/6 part of a documentary named
Origins of civilization - INDIA - The empire of spirit
(This also happens to be one of the amazing face of India)

2/6 :
3/6 :
4/6 :
5/6 :
6/6 :

Great Link on World history

This is part 1 of 6 series amazing BBC documentary "The story of India" on Indian history starting from the 1st migrations to India till the Independence Day and intro to present times (2007) Michael Wood