Sunday, April 9, 2017

Kashta, Dukkha and the Power in YOU !

Difficulties(Kashta) is something what happens to you and is an external activity happening from outside your body. Sadness(Dukkha) is a feeling which emerges from inside our body, our mind and is purely an internal reaction to the Kashta. Buddha spent his whole life giving this message that "Kashtas" are inevitable.

All positive, self improvement or spiritual books reads, learning, activities or practices cannot control 'Kashtas' but will slowly change how you react to them and definitely help in reducing the 'Dukkhas'.

Also as Steven Covey say in his bestseller book, " Between stimulus and response there is a 'space'. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

What we do in that moment determines the step we take ahead, the journey we choose and goals we move toward.

As Mel Robbins put it, no reading or motivation reads will help if we don't take the step towards what we want to do in that very particular moment of decision, then ultimately nothing will change. Life is all about those 100s of small decisions and actions we take consciously or unconsciously which will determine the path we take and the destinations we reach. Indecision and inaction is also a decision which has its consequences.

Modern thinkers also have mixed this concept with the term "Attitude" meaning how you react to a particular situations shows your attitude and makes everyone unique.

This applies to anything you want to do like any old habit you want to change, want to go on better diet, better heath, better relationships, better productivity at work or any higher life goal where our mind and body need to be coherent to achieve the goal.

So essentially, it comes down to those small moments of decisions everyday. If we first become aware of it, then consciously we can change those and taking "right turns" leading to the "right destination"

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