Sunday, February 15, 2009

Amazing City of Mumbai - New York and Hollywood of India

Amazing video on Mumbai which talks about how it is coping with ever increasing population. Currently 13 million and predicted to happen around 28 million by 2020.

About Local Trains in Mumbai:

1. Earlier there were trains in every 7 min. Currently 3 per min.
2. Earlier there were 8 wagons and currently 12.
3. 10 Deaths on the rail per day simply because people try to cross the railway lines like a street.
4. Around 4500 passengers per train.
5. 6 million people travel by local train which is equal to the population of israel.
7. Amazing Anti Collision Systems installed on the local trains which has helped to avoid even a single collision in their history.
8. Only monsoons stop the railways other wise local trains have kept an amazing time punctuality.
10. Amazing Traffic Control Teams fully equipped with latest technology.
11. One of the best supply chains "Dabbawala" in the world rely on this train system.

Hence Mumbai is searching for alternate modes of transportation i.e through seas, or by air. Explore those options in this video.

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